The Minnedosa Tribune, the longest-running weekly newspaper west of Ontario, has taken on new owners after its long-time proprietor began a new chapter in his career.
The publication was previously owned by Darryl Holyk, who first started at the paper as a reporter in May 2001. The paper is now owned by Nesbitt Publishing, which also owns Crossroads This Week and the South Mountain Press.
The Tribune has been in existence for 139 years. Ryan Nesbitt, who is currently the published of Crossroads and the South Mountain Press said in a feature published by the Brandon Sun that it is an honour to carry on the publication’s legacy.
“We’re going to see how we can update the paper to make it the perfect combination of paying tribute to the past but also being really relevant to today’s day and age, keeping a real local focus that has always been the history of newspapers,” Nesbitt said.