News Media Canada to fund 55 additional reporters through the Local Journalism Initiative

News Media Canada is pleased to announce an increase in funds for its Local Journalism Initiative program. The funds,...

John Honderich, legendary former publisher of the Toronto Star, has died

John Honderich, the legendary former publisher of the Toronto Star, died of a heart attack, this past weekend. He...

Federal government announces deal with Google to compensate news organizations

On Wednesday, the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced that the federal government had reached an agreement...

Zak Vescera wins Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prize in large market category

Zak Vescera has been selected as the recipient of the 31st annual Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for...

Great Idea Awards winners revealed

Newspapers Canada is pleased to announce winners of the 2016 Great Idea Awards. From interactive colouring contests to partnerships...

OP-ED: Journalism matters more than ever. We need help to save it

BY BOB COX, JERRY DIAS, AND EDWARD GREENSPON On Sept. 1, an agency of the Canadian government directed nearly $100-million...

Explaining the federal government’s new Special Measures for Journalism fund

In mid-October, the Department of Canadian Heritage announced a program to assist publishers called the 'Special Measures for Journalism'...

Applications for the 2023-2024 Aid to Publishers component of the Canada Periodical Fund are...

Information about applying for the 2023-2024 Aid to Publishers component of the Canada Periodical Fund is now on the...

Toronto Star owner makes emotional plea in support of local journalism

Earlier this week, Toronto Star owner Jordan Bitove presented the 2023 Kesterton Lecture, hosted by Carleton University’s School of...

Sign up today for the 2016 National Conference

Registration is now open for the 2016 National Conference! Co-hosted by Newspapers Canada, the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association (AWNA) and...