SWNA announces winners of 2023 Better Newspapers Competition

On Friday, May 12th, the winners of the 2023 Better Newspapers Competition were announced. A copy of the 2023 Better Newspapers...

Michael Petrou is the 2017 R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellow

Long-time foreign correspondent Michael Petrou has been awarded the 2017 R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellowship, which was announced on Parliament...

Two weeks left to enter the EPPY Awards

Journalists have just two weeks left to submit their best online content for the 2013 EPPY Awards. The annual...

The Globe and Mail’s André Picard receives Hyman Solomon Award

The Globe and Mail's public health reporter, André Picard, is this year's recipient of the Hyman Solomon Award for...
BCYCNA Ma Murray Community Newspaper Awards

British Columbia & Yukon Community Newspaper Association award winners announced

The finest works of journalism produced by B.C. and Yukon community newspapers were fêted this past weekend at the...

Inter American Press Association presents 2023 Excellence in Journalism contest

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has announced its Excellence in Journalism 2023 contest, aimed at media and communication...

The 2014 Great Idea Awards are now open

Newspapers Canada is now accepting entries for the 2014 Great Idea Awards. This national awards program recognizes the creative...

Reporters from Toronto Star and Lethbridge Herald win the 2012 Goff Penny Awards

Jennifer Pagliaro from the Toronto Star and Katie May from the Lethbridge Herald have been selected as the two recipients of...

INMA Awards honour top news industry marketing campaigns

Five Canadian newspapers were honoured for their innovative marketing campaigns at the 2011 INMA Awards, hosted by the International...

Call for Entries: 33rd Annual Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for Young Journalists

Young reporters at News Media Canada member daily news media are invited to submit their best work from 2023...