International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors prepare for national conference

The ISWNE 2021 conference will be held virtually July 14-17. The conference will host three sessions each day, starting...

INK+BEYOND 2012 returns to Toronto April 26-27

A reminder to mark your calendar for next year’s newspaper conference, back in Toronto and bigger than ever! ...

Register online for INK+BEYOND 2011

Registration is now open for INK+BEYOND 2011, taking place in Vancouver, BC on April 29-30. The program focuses on...

Revenue generating ideas for newspapers

Apps, monetizing social media, leveraging announcements, extending the brand into new areas and sponsorships…. these are a few of...

Prominent European newspaper executives join program for INK+BEYOND 2013

Rainer Esser, CEO of the award-winning Die Zeit newspaper in Germany, is the latest speaker to join the program...

Celebrate National Newspaper Week and Carrier Day this October

Newspapers of all sizes are encouraged to celebrate National Newspaper Week, taking place this year from October 4 to...

QCNA hosts professional development day on October 25

The Quebec Community Newspapers Association (QCNA) hosts its annual Professional Day on Friday, October 25. The day-long professional development...

Upcoming CNA/CCNA Webinars: Newspaper Training Made Easy

As a way to deliver cost-effective training to members across the country, the CNA schedules a webinar series from...

CJF J-Talk: Google: Journalism’s Greatest Frenemy?

Is Google more friend or foe to news publishers? Richard Gingras, senior director of news at Google, will discuss...

With creativity comes innovation

Bernard Asselin, president of Bleublancrouge, shared his back to basics marketing strategies with a room full of attentive newspaper...