Metroland covers VE Netherlands trip for CCNA member papers

In May, more than 2,400 students from 84 high schools across Canada will be taking the trip of a...

Newspapers remain an important resource for Canadians – NADbank 2009 Study

Once again daily newspapers have demonstrated their value to Canadians. They continue to be a relevant source for news...

Huffington advocates for impact journalism

Influential website founder Arianna Huffington advocated for impact journalism and called on the media (old and new) to be...

A window into newspaper innnovation around the world

Spurred by the challenging economy, newspapers are trying all sorts of cutting edge initiatives. After reviewing recent conference summaries...

Canadian newspapers love the holiday season

Canadian newspapers love the holiday season, and not just because they can run feel-good stories about charity bake sales...

Scandinavian newspapers fixated on change

By DREW HALFNIGHT Over 70 per cent of Swedes read a morning paper. Norway teems with over 100 healthy dailies....

World’s Press Opposes Yahoo-Google Advertising Deal

The World Association of Newspapers has asked competition authorities in Europe and North America to block an advertising agreement between...

OLYMPIC NEWS: Stronger, faster, higher

Canadian newspaper journalists as well as athletes are aiming for peak performances at the Olympics this month. While in-depth...