Canada Post changes coming January 2013

Newspapers Canada continues to work with Canada Post to make the process of delivering our newspapers efficient. Your input...

Canada’s 800-pound news media gorilla

Bob Cox, publisher of the Winnipeg Free Press, and the current chair of our organization, has published an op-ed in...

Associations join forces to demand fair compensation for publishers and creators

Several associations, including News Media Canada, have joined forces as part of a campaign called 'I Value Canadian Stories'...

Act Now and Save News: Canadian Journalism Fund lobby kit now available

News Media Canada has created a special 'members only' lobby kit available on our website. In this kit, members will...

Local Journalism Initiative: Why journalism on civic institutions and issues, why not all community...

Canadians need access to full and reliable sources of news to inform their decisions. Journalism has long held a watchdog...

UPDATED: Canadian Union of Postal Workers issues 72-hour notice of job action

Special mediator appointed to meet with CUPW and Canada Post AUGUST 25, 2016 - UPDATED AUGUST 26, 2016 The Canadian Union of...

Globe publisher asks Canadian Heritage to level the playing field for newspapers

In the wake of the CBC's ongoing digital expansion, Globe and Mail publisher and CEO Phillip Crawley recently testified before the...

Questions and Answers on the Online News Act

The Department of Canadian Heritage has published a detailed 'question and answer' backgrounder about the importance of the Online...

Quebec newspapers form industry coalition to seek government funding

A large majority of Québec newspapers have formed a coalition to demand that the government establish a funding program...

Government advertising reductions a threat to Canadian newspapers

The Northern Journal editorial board has published an editorial following the announcement of the closure of the Fort Smith...