News Media Canada proposes amendments to Bill C-18

News Media Canada has submitted amendments to Bill C-18, the Online News Act. These amendments come after considerable engagement with...

Town of Erin named most secretive municipal government in Canada

The Town of Erin, Ont., is the 2019 recipient of the Code of Silence Award for Outstanding Achievement in Government...

Update on Canada Post-Postal Workers Union negotiations

The ongoing labour talks between Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers remain at an impasse. ...
Government of Canada

Competition Bureau calls for businesses to report potentially anti-competitive conduct in the digital economy

The Competition Bureau has published a call-out for information from Canada’s business community about conduct in the digital economy that may...

Canada is set to become a global leader in ‘Levelling the Playing Field’ for...

News Media Canada has developed a new ad calling on the re-elected Liberal government to honour their platform promise to introduce...

Series of newspaper closures hit B.C. communities hard

Three community newspapers in B.C. have recently announced they will be closing in the very near future. A fourth...

Federal government advertising must deliver substance

The Government of Canada spent $75,213,380 on advertising (media and production) in 2013-2014. Advertising in community newspapers (excluding Official...

Saskatchewan town and city councils pushing for less transparency

The issue of public notice is surfacing again in the province of Saskatchewan.  Some SK town and city councils...

National Newsmedia Council to launch this September

After two plus years of discussion with their Industry members, the Press Councils of British Columbia, Atlantic Canada and...

Publishers renew call for government action against Google/Facebook monopoly

Canada’s news media publishers today applauded the Government of Canada for standing up to giant internet companies in Monday’s...