Federal government advertising must deliver substance

The Government of Canada spent $75,213,380 on advertising (media and production) in 2013-2014. Advertising in community newspapers (excluding Official...

How will public policy decisions impact newspapers in 2017?

Ed Greenspon, the president and CEO of the Public Policy Forum, an Ottawa-based think tank, has had a busy...

CCLA and CJFE mount Charter challenge against Bill C-51

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) have initiated a Charter challenge against...

Op-ed: Why we’re taking the Trudeau government to task

The hundreds of publications that belong to News Media Canada are in the business of reporting the news –...

News Media Canada statement to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

On Monday February 14, News Media Canada chair Jamie Irving and president and CEO Paul Deegan appeared before the...

OP-ED: News publishers need legislation passed by June

This is an op-ed written by Jamie Irving, Paul Deegan, and Maria Saras-Voutsinas. You are welcome to use the...

Canada Post announces 2017 changes to Publications Mail and Neighbourhood Mail

Canada Post has announced its annual price and service changes for all Direct Marketing and Transaction Mail, including Publications...

IAPA asks Google and Meta to reconsider cessation of news in Canada

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) considered inappropriate and disproportionate the reaction of the Google and Meta platforms to...

Canada’s Internet Factbook finds social media as “toxic” and “addictive”

The 2023 Internet Factbook from CIRA has been released with the latest data on internet usage in Canada. Every year CIRA...

Ruling cements media’s right to access exhibits

The latest edition of The Press and The Courts highlights an Ontario Appeal Court decision that casts into stone...