Gen-Z more likely to read newspapers in print only: research

Highlights from the most recent Vividata survey (Spring 2020) find that seven out of ten Canadians are reading newspaper...

Vividata releases results of spring 2020 Canadian Consumer Survey

Vividata, Canada’s leading media and consumer research firm, released their latest survey results earlier this week. “The COVID-19 pandemic has...

Research: More than half of Canadians trust news media for Coronavirus information

A poll by the Angus Reid Institute in March 2020 finds that 55% of Canadian adults trust news media...

Canadians continue to flock to news and information websites: research

Based on the most recent blog post from Bryan Segal at Comscore, the News/Information category continues to dominate digital...

Driving trust (and purchase) during a pandemic

New research from Edelman Trust Barometer finds that consumers believe brands have a role in addressing the challenges of the...

Canadians say professional journalism is essential given the Coronavirus outbreak and should be supported...

Almost two in three Canadians say that the federal government should treat media bankruptcies as an emergency, says a...

Digital consumption of news and information continues to rise in Canada

In a recent blog post, Bryan Segal of Comscore examines the news/information digital growth in Canada. “It is amazing to see the...

News, news and more news: Canadians are consuming digital news at a record pace

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to impact digital media consumption in Canada according to Comscore. Based on data from mid-March there are...

Now is the time to continue brand building: research

Advertising in tough economic times and slowdowns may seem counter intuitive, but those that pull their advertising in the...

Audience attitude survey identifies most trust news brands: Vividata research

In a recent INMA blog post, we find that Vividata research provides an opportunity to segment and examine newspaper...