Different generations of Canadians access newspapers in new ways

New data from the Newspapers 24/7: 2024 study reports that four out of five Canadians read newspapers weekly. Younger generations are...

Format matters: Traditional vs. online newspaper readership

Newspaper readership has been fueled in recent years by digital access, resulting in the ability to read content in...

Research: Government of Canada advertising expenditures (2022-2023)

The annual report on advertising expenditures by the government of Canada for the 2022-2023 fiscal year was released last month, detailing...

Significant engagement with newspaper e-editions, research shows

A new study done by Totum Research shows that more and more Canadians are accessing the electronic editions (E-edition)...

New report show what tech platforms owe news organizations

A new working paper estimates that Facebook and Google platforms would owe American news publishers up to $14 billion...

2023 Newspapers 24/7 research confirms that four out of five Canadians read newspapers

Every week almost 30 million newspapers are delivered across the country.  Four out of five people in Canada (83%) read newspaper...

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that traditional news gains trust

The recently released 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer finds that traditional news has pushed back this year into the trusted...

Industry circulation report for 2022 now available

News Media Canada has released Snapshot 2022, the annual report on circulation.  Data collected in 2022 is based on the...

Newspapers are the product, not packaging

News dissemination is necessary for a vibrant and healthy democracy and a well-functioning society.  Newspapers also continue to play...

Research shows Canadian internet users value their privacy

When it comes to perceptions about online advertising more than three-quarters of Canadians (78%) admit they don’t like digital...