NADbank and PMB release spring 2015 readership studies

Today the amalgamated organization of NADbank and PMB released two new studies measuring magazine and newspaper readership in Canada....

Stop the presses: Canadian newspaper readership at an all-time high

Seventh annual Newspapers 24/7 Report confirms that 88% of Canadians read newspapers every week - the highest number since...

What is “Readers per Copy” and how can you calculate it?

Readers per Copy (RPC) is calculated by dividing the total publication audience/readership (collected with a readership survey like Vividata or...

Google and Facebook continue to dominate the Canadian digital advertising market

Facebook and Google combined account for an estimated 72% of the $5.5 billion Internet advertising market in Canada in...

Gen-Z more likely to read newspapers in print only: research

Highlights from the most recent Vividata survey (Spring 2020) find that seven out of ten Canadians are reading newspaper...

New research finds nine out of ten Canadians are reading newspapers

The most recent Newspapers 24/7 research confirms that Canadians are still turning to news media in printed and digital formats....

Newspaper reader behaviour differs between weekday and weekend

Vividata’s latest research results confirm consistent readership levels across all newspapers. Newspapers play an important part in Canadian lives,...

Where do social media users get their news?

The Reuters Digital News Report, which studied people age 18 and up, found that while Twitter currently is a...

Media consumption on the rise in Canada

The amount of time spent consuming media is on the rise across the world, new research shows. Data compiled from...

Google and Facebook control the internet advertising market in Canada

Google and Facebook continue to dominate the $8.8 billion internet advertising market in Canada. In 2019, for example, their...