Vividata releases latest numbers on print and digital readership

Vividata, Canada’s authoritative cross-platform study of media readership, released new research, which confirms that readership levels are consistent with...

Majority of Canadians get their online news from traditional media sites

Research conducted for Public Policy Forum’s report The Shattered Mirror, finds that more than 70 per cent of Canadians are...

Canadians continue to read newspapers across all platforms, research shows

The recently released Newspapers 24/7 research demonstrates that Canadian adults continue to read newspapers – almost nine out of ten (86%)...

Quizzes prove to be a helpful tool for readers to retain factual information

A new study by the U.S.-based Center for Media Engagement found that online quizzes maybe a helpful way to...

Full page ads outperform smaller ads

Does size matter? Is bigger better? Newsworks in the UK answers these questions on the effectiveness of ad sizes...

Community Newspapers are a billion dollar industry

Total 2014 advertising revenue for community newspapers in Canada was $968 million.  Community newspapers also reported an additional $90...

Newspapers by the Numbers 2016

Newspapers Canada has updated the popular Newspapers by the Numbers fact sheet with new research and industry facts from...

Newspaper readership by device: Mobile dominates

The latest research from Vividata shows that two thirds of digital readers are using their mobile/tablet device to read...

Research shows time spent with media in Canada is almost 10 hours daily

eMarketer’s report on Time Spent with Media 2019 finds that Canadians spend almost the same amount of time with traditional and digital...

New survey results show 90% of Millennials read newspapers in print or digital formats

Nine out of ten (87%) Canadian adults read daily or community newspaper content weekly across print or digital platforms....