Inland Webinar: Facebook is Your Frenemy

Social Media can be your best friend and your worst nightmare. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest have built insanely large communities, invented invaluable marketing tools, and cultivated an insatiable desire to […]

#CAJ16: Canadian Association of Journalists Conference

Local journalism and local news will be under discussion at the 2016 Canadian Association of Journalists’ conference. #CAJ16, scheduled from May 27-28 at the Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel, will feature several opportunities where delegates can reflect upon and hear about the challenges and opportunities facing local news in today’s marketplaces. Leading the discussion on that […]

Inland Webinar: What would Google do?: Innovation and Disruption in the Media

This presentation will examine disruptive business models for the publishing industry based on the popular book What Would Google Do by Jeff Jarvis, offering innovative ideas and examining case studies that will help attendees embrace the new social, local, mobile world to help them transform their businesses for the future. The presentation will review the impact of the […]

Inland Webinar: How to Make Your Dumb Media Kit Smart

Lead acquisition strategies are stuck in the past. Are you still using spreadsheets, direct e-mails to salespeople, or relying on customers to download a confusing media kit meant for your […]

Inland Webinar: Three Simple Ways to Generate Digital Revenue at Small Newspapers

Small newspapers are the lifeblood of their communities, but oftentimes have to make-do with less resources than ideal to maintain steady growth. Jeremy Mims, co-founder of OwnLocal, will walk you through three easy ways to increase digital revenue at your publication without expending too many resources or interfering with your current daily operations.   (Hint: Email […]


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