Mastering the Top 10 critical sales questions

We all know we need to ask questions to understand our client's goals, but what are the best questions to ask? What questions make clients mad? What questions do Millennials hate? What questions are over-used and a waste of the clients' time? Ryan Dohrn, who is a top motivational speaker that won an Emmy for […]

Mastering the top 10 critical sales questions

We all know we need to ask questions to understand our client's goals, but what are the best questions to ask? What questions make clients mad? What questions do Millennials hate? What questions are over-used and a waste of the clients' time? Ryan Dohrn of Brain Swell Media will break down the 10 critical questions […]

Be a Millennial magnet: How to attract, retain and engage the Millennial workforce

Recently, the Millennial generation took the stage as the largest generation in the U.S. workforce and that calls for the need to implement effective Millennial retention strategies. Millennials (Generation Y), born between 1981 to 2000, are your current and future leaders and this entitlement among Millennials is all set to bring tremendous changes, innovations, and […]

Optimizing obituaries to drive traffic and increase revenue

On January 19th at 12-noon (ET) join media professionals and publishers with more than 25 years of experience to learn how obituaries drive digital traffic, ensure reader engagement, and increase revenue. Register below for this 1-hour FREE broadcast that  will show you how to: Reduce strain on front-line employees and increase productivity Increase passive revenue […]

Easy Upselling Strategies with Digital Sales

In this webinar, AdCellerant explains how publishing companies are upselling advertisers and complementing their campaigns with relevant banner ads that are highly targeted, reaching specified groups, locations and demographics with certain online behavioral interests and patterns. We’re going to learn about why programmatic display is the foundation of any digital campaign, easy upselling strategies for […]

Getting Started with Digital Sales

This webinar, which will have a baseball theme, will go over how smaller publications and legacy print teams are getting started with digital sales to support their local clientele. AdCellerant will review different examples of publishers who are doing this now, the steps to get started, how to provide a consultative approach to your advertisers […]

How To Have Your Best Sales Year Yet (webinar)

This one-of-a-kind session will help you review 2022 and plan for 2023! This will be all meat. No fat. You and your teams should be there. You’ll get 3 tips every 30 minutes on how to WIN, MORE, FASTER in SALES! Presenter: Daniel Grissom Register by December 5Click here for online registration Cost: $35; $45 after deadline (December 5)

Classifieds 2023: Top Five Revenue Opportunities (webinar)

Today’s classifieds struggle at almost every newspaper. And yet, there are papers from Florida to Montana with hundreds of ads in all categories. Let Janet DeGeorge share their TOP FIVE REVENUE secrets with you for a great revenue boost in 2023. Presenter: Janet DeGeorge, president of Classified Executive Training & Consulting Register by January 16Click here for online registration



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