Editorial breakout sessions at the 2007 Super Conference

The CCNAÔÇÖs 88th National Conference is being held at the Delta Winnipeg from May 9 – 11. In addition to its keynote and plenary speakers, the Super Conference features breakout sessions to help you tailor your conference experience. Topics are broadly focused into editorial content, advertising, and circulation.

On the morning of Thursday May 10, listen to Bill Dunphy, reporter with the Hamilton Spectator, Vickey Williams, American Press Institute, and others, as they share how other editors have crafted training programs in ÔÇ£Training Our Newsrooms for the Changing Environment.ÔÇØ

In the afternoon Steve Buttry, of the American Press Institute will discuss innovative paths for newspapers to follow in order to transform into successful, multi-platform information companies in ÔÇ£Newspaper Next: A Blueprint for Transformation.ÔÇØ

Matt Thornhill, of The Boomer Project, is next on the line-up, and he will examine how to reach baby boomers in ÔÇ£Boomers: The #1 Target for Newspapers?ÔÇØ

Also in the afternoon, the Newspaper Association of America will present ÔÇ£50 Ideas To Try At Your Newspaper.ÔÇØ Bob Scaife, NAAÔÇÖs VP of smaller market newspapers, takes listeners on a fast-paced look at innovative ideas in circulation, display, and classified revenue building, marketing and promotion, and content and expense control. Attendees get to take home a vast collection of 250 ideas.

On Friday, May 11, at 2:00 pm Robb Montgomery, visual editor, founder and CEO,  discusses how editors can equip reporters and photo staff with the necessary equipment for both video and still images at a reasonable cost. In ÔÇ£Equipping Reporters with Multi-Media Cameras at Low CostÔÇØ you can catch a glimpse of a reporter’s future toolkit.

For further information, and to download the full program and registration form, visit www.communitynews.ca/convention/2007/.

Keep an eye on future editions of the Bulletin for information on the other breakout sessions to be held at the Super Conference, and more.

If you have any questions, please contact Alisa Singh by email at asingh@ccna.ca or by phone at (877) 305-2262 x30.