Canada needs to join forces with Australia to fight Facebook’s blackmail

Earlier this week, John Hinds, president and CEO of News Media Canada, published an op-ed on the importance of...

Get ready for ‘back to school’ by shopping local

As thoughts of getting the children back to school begin to creep into your mind, remind your readers to...

Newspapers celebrated National Newspaper Week in print, digital and social media

Last week newspapers across the country celebrated our industry during the 79th annual National Newspaper Week. News Media Canada coordinated a...

Format matters: Traditional vs. online newspaper readership

Newspaper readership has been fueled in recent years by digital access, resulting in the ability to read content in...

‘Big Words’ industry ad campaign – Truth

Originally developed as part of the 2022 National Newspaper Week program, this campaign celebrates local champions who use the power of...

Newspaper tied to city’s birth, growth; we’re not history yet

Last Thursday, the Winnipeg Free Press was fêted by the Manitoba Museum at its 2019 tribute gala. News Media Canada...

Call for Entries: 31st Annual Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for Young Journalists

Young reporters at News Media Canada member daily news media are invited to submit their best work from 2021...

Newspapers played an important role in examining anti-terror legislation

Canada’s three major daily newspapers played an important role in scrutinizing the government’s anti-terror legislation according to new research...

Study finds social media users not interested in buying

Recent research from eMarketer demonstrates how Facebook users engage with ads. One key finding: many consumers just aren’t interesting...

Special webinar rates for Newspapers Canada members

From revamping your sports coverage to creating an effective social media strategy, upcoming webinar sessions from Local Media Association...