The Press and the Courts Issue 3 out now

The Ashley Smith inquest, freedom of information laws and the Vancouver riots are just some of the legal issues...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: What it Takes to Write an Opinion...

Everyone has an opinion. But few get the delicious opportunity to disseminate it to thousands of people reflecting the...

Shaver inducted into OCNA Hall of Fame

Rick Shaver started his newspaper career in 1978 after graduating from St. Lawrence College in Cornwall. His first seven...

CCNA wins 2001 literacy award

ABC Canada has awarded the Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) with the Honourable Joyce Fairbairn, P.C. Literacy Public Awareness...

More staff changes at the Toronto Star

Toronto Star editor Michael Cooke and managing editor Irene Gentle recently announced five new staff appointments as part of...

Snapshot 2021 fact sheet now available

News Media Canada has produced a new fact sheet highlighting the Snapshot 2021 circulation report results. Every week more...

Public notices in newspapers are vital to the democratic processes of communities

Canadians have a right to be properly notified of actions and activities that will affect their daily lives. Public...

Jones celebrates a half century in sports journalism

Terry Jones, the long-time Edmonton sportswriter has just celebrated a milestone: a half century in the newspaper business. Jones currently...

Media co-ops in Québec and Ontario launch digital subscription service

The six regional members media co-ops in Québec and Ontario, Les coops de l’information, have achieved another milestone of...

Monster purchases HotJobs from Yahoo!

Monster Worldwide Inc. has finalized a $225 million purchase of HotJobs, a leading online recruitment website, and entered into...