Canada Post shuts down operations nationwide

JUNE 14, 2011 - Following 12 days of rotating strike activity by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Canada...

Raising awareness about human rights in housing

Together with landlord, tenant and other housing advocacy organizations, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is enlisting the help...

The Press and The Courts Issue 2 out now

Newspapers Canada has released the second edition of The Press and The Courts for 2011. The bi-monthly legal bulletin...

Canada Post update: 24-hour strike in Montreal

JUNE 2, 2011 - The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) began the latest in a series of rotating...

Supreme Court rules ministerial documents are exempt from FOI requests

In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court of Canada has decided that the offices of ministers and the prime...

Canada Post/CUPW negotiations update

MAY 12, 2011 - The conciliation process used to help Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers...

Supreme Court maintains limits on class-based defamation claims

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled on a class action case involving former radio host André Arthur. The...

Supreme Court rules on camera restrictions in court

In a unanimous 9-0 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld a Quebec court regulation that allows judges to...

Judge orders BC reporter to reveal confidential source

British Columbia Superior Court Justice Paul Williamson has ordered Vancouver Province reporter Elaine O'Connor to reveal her unnamed source...

Ruling cements media’s right to access exhibits

The latest edition of The Press and The Courts highlights an Ontario Appeal Court decision that casts into stone...