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Tag: Advertising

Great Idea Awards entry deadline is tomorrow

Time is running out for newspapers to enter their top advertising, marketing and promotional initiatives into the 2014 Great Idea Awards. Newspapers have until...

Show off your creativity by entering the Great Idea Awards!

Each year, Newspapers Canada recognizes innovative examples of newspaper marketing and promotion from our member publications across the country at the annual Great...

New industry ad campaign highlights key strength: Trust

Newspapers Canada has developed a new advertising campaign highlighting the newspaper industry and its strength.It was created for use by our newspaper members to...

Media Sales Certification Program offers anytime training at a discounted price

Newspapers Canada has partnered with Local Media Association (LMA) to offer our members innovative sales training certification courses at a special discounted rate. The...

Newspaper ads remain most trustworthy form of paid media advertising

Newspaper advertising continues to be the most-trusted form of paid media advertising in North America according to a new Nielsen study. Of the 29,000...

New Industry Presentation

Suzanne Raitt, vice-president of innovation and marketing for Newspapers Canada, has created an inspiring new industry presentation for 2014 highlighting the power and effectiveness...

Harness the power of social media for advertising sales success

Social media provides newspapers with new and often untapped opportunities for advertising lead generation and relationship building. On Tuesday, January 14, Kirk Allen and...

Learn how to leverage social media for advertising sales success

Social media provides newspapers with new and often untapped opportunities for advertising lead generation and relationship building. On Tuesday, January 14, Kirk Allen and...

Advertising in print newspapers works!

Newspapers Canada has compiled a number of Case Studies that demonstrate the success advertisers have had using newspapers. Take a look through this diverse range...

Additional credit tools available for Newspapers Canada members

Ross Edmunds, credit analyst for Newspapers Canada, has developed a series of PowerPoint presentations on credit issues facing newspapers. The third PowerPoint presentation...