Call for 2008 BNC judges

The 2008 Better Newspapers Competition (BNC) kicks off in just one week, and the Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) needs your help.

The CCNA is calling on all members to nominate each other and their staff to serve as judges. The association is looking for leading professionals who have the relevant work experience to provide a fair and informed evaluation of the entries based on CCNA rules in the following areas:

  • General Excellence
  • Editorial
  • Advertising
  • Business/Arts
  • Sports
  • Special Sections
  • Photography
  • Promotion
  • Community Service

Download the nomination form below to view the eligibility criteria and to submit the name of your nominee. There is no limit on the number of nominations. Fax your completed nomination forms by Friday, November 30, at (416) 482-1908.

Be sure to visit the CCNA website at on Monday, December 3, to download the rules and entry book for the 2008 BNC. If you have any questions, please contact Member Services Coordinator W. Andrew Powell at 1-877-305-2262, extension 29, or by e-mail at