New Car Buyers 2016 – Fact Sheet

Newspaper Media Drive Automotive Sales 2016 Seven out of ten new car buyers are reading automotive ads in printed newspapers compared to 16% reading auto ads on social...

5 Things You Thought You Knew About Community Newspapers

Think you know everything about community newspapers? Think again. This presentation, based on research conducted in 2016 by Totum Research for Newspapers Canada, highlights five...

Manitoba Home Builders Association: Online, Twitter and Blogs

The Challenge: The Manitoba Home Builders Association was already undertaking (a Best Home competition) the Parade of Homes exhibition twice a year, but they...

Shareable Stats on Newspapers

What was the state of newspaper advertising revenue in 2015? Do readers trust the advertising they see in newspapers? And what kind of effectiveness do newspapers...

Newspapers Work for Public Notices

Open and transparent communication from government to Canadians is vital and the proper dissemination of public notices assures that the public is informed about...

Connecting to Canadians with Community Newspapers

Three quarters of Canadians (73%) in non-urban centres read a community newspaper according to the 2013 study, Connecting to Canadians with Community Newspapers. The survey...

Community Newspapers Drive Results 2017: Engagement and Automotive (Presentation)

The printed community newspaper continues to hold the position of favourite source of local news and information in communities large and small across Canada. ...

Innovation in Print Newspaper Ads

This video shows off some innovative advertising ideas from Canadian newspapers. Get inspired by the unique ways advertisers have used print newspapers to deliver their...

2017: Newspapers 24/7 – Overview (Fact Sheet)

News Media Canada continues to research newspaper readership across different platforms and by time of day. The most recent research was conducted in January...

Local Newspapers: Trusted and True (Fact Sheet)

On a daily basis, Canadians are surrounded by media, bombarded by thousands of brand messages daily on an increasing number of traditional and digital platforms....