WSJ story chronicles how Google allegedly misled publishers and advertisers

A story published today by the Wall Street Journal details how Google allegedly misled publishers and advertisers for years...

‘Champion The Truth’ with new virtual backgrounds

News Media Canada has developed a series of virtual backgrounds celebrating our most recent Champion The Truth campaign and...

Research shows more people pay for news online, but most people don’t

2021 was an important year for journalism and the researchers at the Reuters Institute identified a number of findings that...

Judges sought for provincial award competitions

Both the B.C. and Yukon Community Newsmedia Association (BCYCNA) and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association are seeking judges for...

Op-ed: News publishers need federal legislation passed by June

A new op-ed written by Jamie Irving and Paul Deegan, and published in The Hill Times, urges the Prime...

Big Tech facing numerous lawsuits from newspapers in the United States

A new report from Axios published earlier this week reveals that hundreds of newspapers across the United States have...

Canadian news industry aims for campaign to regulate Tech Giants to pay off big

A thorough investigation, published in Press Gazette, estimates that Australia-style regulation on companies such as Facebook and Google could...

Bob Cox, former News Media Canada chair, announces plans to retire as publisher of...

Bob Cox, the former chair of News Media Canada's board of directors, announced that he would be retiring from...

The Toronto Star, regional dailies unveil a fresh new look

Last week, the Toronto Star - and all of Torstar's regional daily publications - revealed a design refresh aimed...

Explaining the federal government’s new Special Measures for Journalism fund

In mid-October, the Department of Canadian Heritage announced a program to assist publishers called the 'Special Measures for Journalism'...