Remind your readers to support LOCAL

As local economies start to open up across the country, remind readers about the importance of supporting local businesses,...

Introducing our new president and CEO

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I am pleased to announce that Paul Deegan has accepted the position of...

Federal government announces significant assistance programs to support journalism

After months of diligent work, News Media Canada welcomes the announcement made earlier today by the federal government to...

Statement by News Media Canada chair on Google’s efforts to recruit news publishers

The announcement of a deal between Google and a small number of Canadian media outlets underlines the need for...

Update: Information on the tax measures to support journalism

Over the past several weeks, we've heard from a number of members curious about how to calculate the federal...

Levelling the Digital Playing Field: An open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau

On Wednesday June 9, News Media Canada will be issuing a historic open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada calling on...

Government inaction has cost news publishers

News Media Canada members are calling on the federal government to introduce the long-awaited policy to allow publishers to...

Some thoughts on the newspaper industry from outgoing chair Bob Cox

The below piece was written by Bob Cox, publisher of the Winnipeg Free Press and, now, former chair of...

Winners announced for 30th annual Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for Young Canadian Journalists

Journalists Marissa Lentz and Victoria Gibson have been selected as the two recipients of the 30th annual Hon. Edward Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for...

Local newspapers: Part of your community

This piece was written by Daniel Bushman, publisher of The Watrous Manitou and Lanigan Advisor in Saskatchewan. Member newspapers are...