Re-thinking the future of Canada Post

John Hinds, President and CEO of Newspapers Canada appeared before a special hearing of the House of Commons Standing...

Google-backed survey criticizing Online News Act gets slammed by Ottawa

A recent public opinion survey conducted by Abacus Data, and commissioned by Google Canada, on Bill C-18, the Online News...

How to report problems with Canada Post delivery

We've recently heard from several News Media Canada members who have experienced problems with the delayed delivery of their...

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that traditional news gains trust

The recently released 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer finds that traditional news has pushed back this year into the trusted...

Sizzle video available to promote newspaper industry

As part of the 2018 National Newspaper Week program a sizzle video was produced to highlight the value of newspapers.  This...

Canadian news industry aims for campaign to regulate Tech Giants to pay off big

A thorough investigation, published in Press Gazette, estimates that Australia-style regulation on companies such as Facebook and Google could...

Research: Government of Canada advertising expenditures (2022-2023)

The annual report on advertising expenditures by the government of Canada for the 2022-2023 fiscal year was released last month, detailing...

Newspapers top the list when it comes to trust in advertising

New research in Australia finds that media users’ trust in ads is higher in newspapers compared to other media measured (television,...

News Media Canada releases statement supporting The Voice of Pelham

News Media Canada has written a letter to Town of Pelham Mayor Dave Augustyn indicating its deep concern over...

News Media Canada files comprehensive intervention response to CRTC

Earlier this week, News Media Canada filed its intervention response to the CRTC's notice of consultation for Google's application...