Summer webinars provide affordable training for all newspaper staff

Summer school is in session! July and August are the perfect months to brush up on your training and...

Nine in ten new car buyers read newspapers

New vehicle purchasers are dedicated newspaper readers across all platforms. Nine in ten new car buyers read newspaper content in...

New Newspapers 24/7 fact sheets available for download

Updated research on newspaper readership confirms that four out of five people in Canada are reading newspapers weekly. Digital...

Recipients of 2021 Ontario Junior Citizen Award announced

The Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) and their member newspapers are very proud to celebrate the final recipients of...

The deadline for our 2017 flagship awards are fast approaching

Have you or your organization published a compelling community news feature, photograph, or multimedia project in 2016? How about...

News Media Canada joins coalition to combat the online hate and harassment of journalists

News Media Canada has joined a coalition of more than 45 news organizations and press freedom groups to call...

What would Canada’s Online News Act do?

A new article published this week by the International News Media Association recaps, and provides fresh insight, on the...

Finalists announced for 2022 National Newspaper Awards

The finalists for this year's National Newspaper Awards were announced late last week and almost half of the finalists...

Reach domestic vacation travellers with newspapers

In Canada, 2016 could be the year of the staycation with predictions of growth in domestic overnight travel by...

Frequency in newspapers works!

In order to effectively advertise a brand's message, advertisers need to reach consumers multiple times to build familiarity; this...