Shootin’ the Breeze: Celebrate National Newspaper Week with Us

Publisher Shannon Peace wrote a piece for her readers celebrating National Newspaper Week 2023 that also highlighted the paper's BNC...

News Media Canada reveals new industry ad campaign: ‘You’re in good hands’

Developed as part of the 2023 National Newspaper Week program, this campaign celebrates local champions who use the power...

Reporter and editor Jim Amos passes away

Former reporter and editor Jim Amos has passed away at the age of 52. Amos began his career at...

OMDC launches new innovation fund for Canadian businesses

The Ontario Media Development Corporation has launched a new pilot program to fund innovative and entrepreneurial ideas in Canadian...

Election coverage: Your questions answered

With a federal election called for October 19th, Newspapers Canada has answers to some common questions about election laws.  If...

Built on Trust: Postmedia reveals new editorial brand campaign

Postmedia Network Inc., one of Canada’s largest news media companies, today announced the launch of a new editorial brand...

A primer on the Journalistic Sources Protection Act

Justin Safayeni and Andrea Gonsalves, two media lawyers from the firm Stockwoods, have written a detailed primer on the...

Why Newspapers Matter: Clark’s Crossing Gazette

During National Newspaper Week, the award-winning newspaper Clark's Crossing Gazette in Saskatchewan showcased this video vignette highlighting their relevance in their community.

Sign up for our newest newsletter

Have you signed up for our Local Journalism Initiative newsletter? We want to keep you updated before launch the initiative...

Australian news media have received millions of dollars from Facebook and Google

Publishers large and small are seeing big dividends come their way one year after the passage of Australia's News...