New Fact Sheet on Federal Government advertising spending now available

Despite the fact that Canadians want to see government spending in newspapers, the federal government continues to spend a...

New fact sheet available on government advertising and newspapers

Public notice is vital.  Open and transparent communication from the government is vital and the proper dissemination of public...

New Fact Sheet: Newspapers effective for government advertising

Government has a duty to inform Canadians about its programs, services, policies and decisions. Research from News Media Canada...

Canadians read newspapers in print and digital formats

Data from the Newspapers 24/7 study confirms that Canadians continue to read newspapers in all formats. The 2017 study finds...

Statistics show Federal Government ad spending on newspapers decreasing over time

Based on the most recent annual report on advertising from the Federal Government, only 5.5 per cent of the...

Small space industry ads showcase community newspapers

News Media Canada has produced several small space ads highlighting community newspapers that you can run in your newspaper...

Canadians want government advertising in newspapers: report

New research indicates that almost three-quarters of Canadians consider newspapers to be the most appropriate media for advertising information...

Did you know? More than eight out of ten Canadians read newspapers

Newspaper content, in both print and digital formats, is still read by more than eight out of ten Canadians...

Industry ads that help promote newspapers

News Media Canada has several different campaigns that can be used to promote the newspaper medium in your papers. ...

Canadians trust newspaper advertising

Trust in the news media is strong in Canada. Not only do Canadians continue to view advertising in a...