When people avoid advertising, what do they do?

A story published this week by Media in Canada highlights just how much consumers 'tune out' when commercials hit...

Study: News outlets are using Twitter for one-way distribution, not engagement

A new study from the Pew Research Centre’s Project for Excellence in Journalism reveals that most news outlets are...

Newspapers 24/7 research highlights Business Decision Makers: News Junkies

Newspapers Canada recently undertook a study to understand how different devices are being used to read newspapers by various...

Pew study shows direct visitors are more engaged with news sites

Visitors who go directly to news websites spend about three times as long there as those who arrive via...

Trusted local information drives newspaper readership

Newspapers are a highly valued and essential part of Canadian culture, communities, and democracy, providing fact-based credible reporting that...

CCNA launches Connecting to Canadians with Community Newspapers

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) is launching a new project aimed at increasing the number of non-urban Canadians...

ABC Study: Going Mobile

More and more print publishers are capitalizing on new opportunities offered by the mobile market according to a new...

Four ways to increase audience engagement during the pandemic

Due to the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, publishers have been turning to new methods for generating loyalty...

News media websites foster brand trust and safety

A new research study from UK-based Reach Solutions demonstrates that trusted news sites play an important role in providing a safe environment where...

New daily newspaper revenue report now available to members

Newspapers Canada reports quarterly on daily newspaper revenues in three categories: print, online and circulation. The 2011 Q3 revenue...