Survey: The Canadian Newspaper Project

If you are one of the many community newspaper publishers across Canada trying to develop a strategy for Internet...

NADbank launches new cross-platform planning tool

In July, Newspaper Audience Databank (NADbank), the research arm of the daily newspaper industry, launched a new integrated newspaper...

New bacteria strain could convert old newspapers into biofuel

Waste paper might someday become a rich source of fuel thanks to a new scientific discovery. Researchers at Tulane...

New industry reports for daily and community newspapers

Newspapers Canada has released two new industry reports highlighting advertising and circulation revenues for Canadian newspapers. The surveys show...

On Your Mark: Newspapers Perform

In the competitive sprint for advertising dollars, the online community is still outpaced by the newspaper sector, despite the...

Newspapers: A Green Choice (revised)

Newspapers Canada’s environmental report Newspapers: A Green Choice has been updated for 2011 to include new statistics and research....

Infographic: Newspapers – Did you know?

More Canadians read an online newspaper in Canada each week than there are people in all of Denmark! This,...

IAB: Online ad spending reaches $2.23 billion in 2010

A new study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada reports that online advertising revenues in this country surpassed...

Nielsen: Shoppers still like print

A new Nielsen research study reports that 90% of American shoppers still want print, more than 70% want email...

CCNA delays readership study

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association's proposed national readership study project has been delayed. The study will not be proceeding...