NADbank: Daily newspapers reach 77% of adults

NADbank’s latest readership numbers confirm that daily newspapers continue to be a vital source of news, information and entertainment...

ComBase: Coming soon for media planners

Seventy four percent of Canadians read their local newspaper according to the most recent findings from ComBase.  Media planners...

Create added value for your advertisers

CNA and CCNA members are invited to participate in the Small and Medium Business survey currently managed by the...

ComBase results available to media planners on October 15

On October 15, 2010 data from the most recent ComBase study will be released electronically through Nielsen IMS and...

Print more popular with consumers than social media

Reading print media is a more important activity than social networking for British consumers, according to the latest study...

CCNA releases new data on community newspaper advertising revenue

Total advertising revenue for Canadian community newspapers in 2009 was $1.19 billion according to the latest year-end report commissioned...

World press trends: Ad revenues to increase, circulation relatively stable

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has released its annual world press trends update. According to...

Increasing ad revenues

Media-buying group ZenithOptimedia has raised its worldwide advertising growth estimate again, this time to a 3.5% hike in 2010...

Reading printed newspaper the greener choice in Europe

According to a recent KTH Centre report, reading an online newspaper for 30 minutes is more harmful to the...

CNA releases 2010 circ rates comparison report

The 2010 Circulation Rates and Data Analysis report has been released by the Canadian Newspaper Association. A new Digital...