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The Challenge: A vehicle advertiser wanted to launch a new and innovative vehicle. This initiative would help it reinvigorate its well-established, high awareness brand.

The Objective: To present its newest vehicle while also changing opinions and perceptions of the vehicle brand.

The Plan: Newspaper media are perfect environments for explaining what is new and different. It also allows an advertiser to show-off its products and make them very visually appealing.

As both the new vehicle and the brand wanted to be perceived as breakthrough, The Globe and Mail suggested custom editorial – articles celebrating the transformative influence of leading Canadians which would be match with ads highlighting the advertiser’s own story of transformation.

This series would run in print and online for six months. As well, exclusive events would allow the advertiser to connect with its target consumers even further allowing them the opportunity to get in close to the vehicle and truly impact their perceptions of the brand.

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