Consultation on calculating potential cash portion of newspaper in-kind obligation for 2024 and 2025 in Ontario

Stewardship Ontario announced yesterday it has launched a consultation with News Media Canada & OCNA stewards on proposed changes to the methodology set out in the in-kind agreement to calculate whether a cash portion will apply during the transition of the Blue Box Program for 2024 and 2025.

Why Change the Methodology of a Sunsetting Program Now?

The methodology is set out explicitly in the formal Agreement (and Amendment. It is based on specific data points (ONP prices and municipal revenues from ONP) and extrapolates from the overall data set. Some specified data inputs will not be available as participating communities transition to the new producer responsibility framework and out of the legacy program.

RPRA has developed proposed changes to the calculation methodology to enable it to determine the potential cash obligation using the remaining available data. This will be the subject of the consultation, and stewards are welcome to challenge or make alternate proposals.

Given the rebound in the prices of ONP – a key variable is determining whether the cash portion applies – we do not expect the cash obligation to be triggered in the remaining two years of the in-kind program.

News Media Canada will work closely with Stewardship Ontario and RPRA. There will be a steward presentation and discussion at the end of November.