Winners of the 2023 Grands Prix des Hebdos announced at awards gala

Hebdos Québec honoured 29 winners at its gala marking Les Grands Prix des Hebdos 2023 in Lévis earlier this month.

A total of 89 finalists from 55 weeklies across the province submitted a total of 506 pieces across 16 categories.

Created in 1949, this annual competition aims to highlight the excellence of the work of journalists and artisans of the local and regional press. The level of participation never fails to reflect the enthusiasm and attachment to these great prizes.

President of the jury for the third year, Kathleen Lévesque, professor at UQÀM’s School of Media, mentioned the quality of the work submitted, which covers local news from across all regions of Quebec.

Other members of this year’s jury included: Marie-Ève ​​Martel, Alain Laforest, Magdaline Boutros, Marc-André Gagnon, Michaël Nguyen, Pierre Tousignant, Éric Clément, Alexandre Shields, Paul Rivard, Patrick White and Dominique Reny.

“Such an event clearly reflects the vitality of our print and digital media, the quality of the work of our artisans and the passion they devote to it,” said Benoit Chartier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hebdos Québec.

For his part, the general manager of the association, Sylvain Poisson, thanked the members of the jury for their rigor and their level of commitment in the analysis of the numerous pieces submitted.

You can see a full list of the winners and finalists for this year’s competition here.