The second life of Corriere Canadese

Joe Volpe, the long-time publisher of Corriere Canadese, the only hardcopy daily newspaper in Italian in North America, penned...

Encourage your readers to ‘Support Local’ this holiday season

With the holiday season fast approaching, publishers are encouraged to remind their readers about the importance of supporting local...

New research highlights significant engagement with electronic editions of newspapers

A new research study recently released by AdWest Marketing Inc. in conjunction with Totum Research reveals that many Canadians...

Ottawa announces changes to Canadian Journalism Labour Tax Credit

Introduced in the 2019 federal budget as one of several measures to support Canadian journalism, the Canadian Journalism Labour...

News Media Canada welcomes changes to Canadian Journalism Labour Tax Credit

News Media Canada, which represents 570 news publishing titles across Canada, welcomed the changes to the Canadian Journalism Labour...

News Media Canada reveals new industry ad campaign: ‘You’re in good hands’

Developed as part of the 2023 National Newspaper Week program, this campaign celebrates local champions who use the power...

Young Canadians are increasingly trusting news shared on social media

A new report that evaluates the public's trust and credibility in news sources finds that about a quarter of...

Introducing the Victoria Reporter

Nova Scotia's Municipality of Victoria is about to have a new community newspaper. Nicole Fawcett, who is the owner and...

TC Media’s raddar expands in Québec, Ontario and British Columbia

In the wake of its successful launch in Montréal this spring, TC Transcontinental has announced the expansion of raddar,...

New report show what tech platforms owe news organizations

A new working paper estimates that Facebook and Google platforms would owe American news publishers up to $14 billion...