Support your local economy with the Proud Advertiser campaign

Member community newspapers can still sign up for the Proud Advertiser Program Benefit.  As long as you can run at...

Automotive research planned for 2016

Newspapers Canada will be repeating its Automotive research this year to update Path-to-Purchase data on the Automotive industry –...

Big marketers wary in wake of Google ad crisis

Blow-back from last week's controversy where the London-based Times newspaper reported that some ads were running with YouTube videos that...

Four ways Canadian newspapers power important conversations

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s just how important it is for Canadians to have...

New Industry Automotive Ads

Newspapers Canada is thrilled to launch a new series of powerful industry ads for member newspapers to use in...

Infographic on Auto Research

Newspapers Canada has prepared an easy-to-understand summary of the latest Automotive Research. The infographic is designed as a brief...

Putting a spotlight on the incredible work of newspapers

Across the country, from coast to coast to coast, newspapers serve as the beating heart of their communities. Over the...

Looking for filler ads? 

News Media Canada has a wealth of newspaper promotion material in a variety of sizes to help newspapers fill their...

Community newspapers are engaging

Engagement is essential to advertising effectiveness. Newspapers are a “lean-in” medium where consumers are actively engaged, physically paying attention...

What makes a champion of the truth?

When you think of a champion, what comes to mind? Perhaps an athlete with a gold medal or a...