New ‘Local Matters’ house ads now available

Engage your readers to help support local businesses and your community with this new Local Matters house ad. Choose from a...
Levelling the Digital Playing Field

Protect local news with the latest house ad campaign

News Media Canada has produced a new house ad campaign to support the ongoing lobbying effort against Google and...

Winnipeg Free Press continues its 150th anniversary celebrations with special event

As part its efforts to mark its 150th anniversary celebrations, the Winnipeg Free Press has inspired an exhibition at...

Community newspaper readers are multi-platform readers

Print remains the primary medium for community newspaper readers, although they choose a combination of print and digital platforms...

Why is frequency in advertising important?

Advertisers must reach consumers multiple times to build familiarity and effectively advertise their brand message. This is called ‘frequency’,...

The Globe and Mail announces winners of the 2023 Canadian Young Lions competition

The Globe and Mail, the Official Festival Representative in Canada for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, is...

Our ‘Believe It?’ industry promotion campaign is back

News Media Canada is pleased to offer updated versions of the previous 'Believe It?' campaign ads for newspapers to download and...

Domestic vacation travellers read newspapers

Newspapers Canada has produced a fact sheet highlighting domestic vacation travellers.  2016 could be the year of the Canadian...

New fact sheet available: Newspapers are engaging

This new fact sheet highlights engagement research to be released next week from News Media Canada. How can advertisers motivate...

Remind your readers to ‘Support Local’ with updated house ads

Engage your readers to help support local businesses and your community with this updated Local Matters house ad. Choose from a variety...