Automotive research planned for 2016

Newspapers Canada will be repeating its Automotive research this year to update Path-to-Purchase data on the Automotive industry –...

Nine in ten young adults read newspapers

Newspapers Canada has released a new fact sheet providing an overview of the top line results for Canadian adults...

Newspaper ads are most read across multiple categories

Recent research from early 2018 proves that ads in newspapers are read more than social media and search engines. Two...

Newspapers 24/7: Focus on Boomers

Since 2011, Newspapers Canada has tracked readership by device and time of day to measure print’s impressive stability over...
Advertise Local Header Image

Introducing our new program: Advertise Local

News Media Canada has developed a NEW program to help publishers provide added value and increased online exposure for their...

National Newspaper Week means it’s time to support local journalism

Every week about 30 million newspapers are delivered across Canada. More than four out of five people in Canada read newspaper...

Printed community newspaper readers are engaged

The primary goal of advertising is to reach a defined audience in order to impact behaviour and influence potential...

New fact sheet highlights that nine in ten readers prefer flyers in print

News Media Canada has released a new fact sheet on flyers and inserts, that effectively highlights the industry in...

Looking for filler ads? 

News Media Canada has a wealth of newspaper promotion material in a variety of sizes to help newspapers fill their...

Newspapers 24/7: Newspaper readership by platform and time of day

Research from Newspapers Canada explores the readership habits of different target groups by various platforms (print, desktop/laptop, table and...