Canadians spending more time with media: eMarketer

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the lives of Canadians, new research from eMarketer forecasts that people are choosing to...

Newspapers and the Internet are top media for travel services

When domestic vacation travellers are looking for travel services, newspapers and their flyers top the list of traditional media...

Newspapers Canada releases 2012 Circulation Data Report for daily newspapers

In 2012 Canada's daily newspaper circulation (paid and free) stood at 6,000,147 copies on an average publishing day and...

Canadian Highlights from the 2020 Reuters Digital News Report

The annual Digital News Report from Reuters has been released and the Canadian highlights are included below.  The results...

Printed community newspaper readers love local news

The printed community newspaper is by far the favourite source of local news and information in communities large and...

Young people remain loyal to printed newspapers: study

A key findings from new research on media consumption habits indicates that young people spend almost double the amount...

New research shows Canadians prefer in-person shopping

A new research study examining How Geography Impacts Shopping Patterns, Habits and eCommerce was recently released by AdWest Marketing,...

Latest industry revenue report now available

Newspapers Canada is pleased to release the latest daily newspaper revenue numbers for Q3 2016. Revenue data is collected for print...

Digital advertising in Canada continues to grow, data shows

The biggest challenge for advertising professionals and marketers in the online world is staying on top of an ever-shifting...

Canadian ad spend dropped 19% in 2020, growth projected for 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic influenced an ad recession, hitting especially hard in English-speaking markets such as Canada, the U.S., U.K., Australia, and...