Where do social media users get their news?

The Reuters Digital News Report, which studied people age 18 and up, found that while Twitter currently is a...

Newspaper brands reach more than 3 out of 5 adults across Canada, research shows

The Vividata Spring 2020 study release (April 29, 2020) confirms that 70% of Canadians read newspaper brand content in...

Research shows games and puzzles engage print newspaper readers

In survey after survey, local information always tops the list of reasons why readers turn to newspapers, in print...

Canadian Highlights from the 2020 Reuters Digital News Report

The annual Digital News Report from Reuters has been released and the Canadian highlights are included below.  The results...

Reuters Institute releases 2020 Digital News Report

Canadian data from the Digital News Report 2020, collected before the major disruptions caused by COVID-19 in the Western...

Community newspaper readership stronger in smaller markets: Vividata

Data from Vividata’s most recent survey (Spring 2020) confirms that weekly readership of community newspapers is stronger in smaller...

Vividata: Baby Boomers more likely to access digital newspaper content directly

The latest Vividata release (Spring 2020) looks at how readers choose to access digital newspaper content by different generations. It is...

Canadians spending more time with media: eMarketer

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the lives of Canadians, new research from eMarketer forecasts that people are choosing to...

Research: Traditional media more trusted than social media

Now in its fifth year, Proof’s CanTrust Index is a leading source of research and understanding of trust in Canada. Trust...

The Urban vs Rural Divide: How does geography influence media consumption habits?

New research from AdCanada Media confirms that media plans should be taking into account that a universally applied strategy will...