Newspapers Canada releases daily newspaper revenue report for Q1 and Q2

Newspapers Canada reports quarterly on daily newspaper revenues in three categories: print advertising, online/mobile advertising and circulation. Revenue data...

New Australian study reveals significant upswing in newspaper readership numbers

The Australian newspaper industry is backing a new cross-platform audience insight survey which provides data for over 600 newspapers...

Canadians rank traditional media as top source for investment news and information

A recent study released by BMO InvestorLine shows that the majority of Canadians continue to rely on traditional news...

Community Newspaper Snapshot 2012

In 2012 there were more than 1,000 community newspaper titles in Canada, circulating 19.7 million copies each week. ...

Newspapers Canada releases 2012 Circulation Data Report for daily newspapers

In 2012 Canada's daily newspaper circulation (paid and free) stood at 6,000,147 copies on an average publishing day and...

New research highlights the impact of advertising frequency

Newspapers Canada shares research on frequency--the number of times a newspaper ad should run for peak effectiveness. The good...

NADbank releases new research on daily newspaper readership

Nearly eight in ten Canadian adults read a daily newspaper each week—in print and digital forms—according to the latest...

New fact sheet: The Strength of Canadian Newspapers

The latest research shows that Canadians love newspapers and are reading news media six times a day across multiple...

Daily Newspaper Revenue Report Q4 out now

Newspapers Canada reports quarterly on daily newspaper revenues in three categories: print advertising, online/mobile advertising and circulation. Data for...

OCNA launches new Digital Media Study for community newspapers

The Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) has released a new Digital Media Study concerned with community newspaper publishing in Canada...