Members from across the country celebrate #CCNAwards victories

Community newspapers from across the country are celebrating in style after the recent announcement of the winners from the 2020 and 2021 #CCNAwards competition.  Click here for the list of winners.

Members have showcased their successes in print and online. The Okotoks Western Wheel, for example, has a piece on their website informing readers about their awards for general excellence and best editorial page. The publication also scored two second place awards for best front page and best multimedia breaking news coverage.

The Gulf Islands Driftwood also wrote about their slate of victories and nominations, including: a first place for Best Special Section and Best Local Cartoon.

The Voice of Pelham highlighted the publication’s multiple first place awards. Healthy lifestyle writer John Swart won first place for Outstanding Columnist. The paper also won for Best Multimedia Breaking News Coverage.

The Manitoulin Expositor also wrote about how it nabbed a first and second place finish for works published in 2020 and 2021. The stories covered a range of important issues, including the local impact of the opioid crisis.

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