New application deadline for Canada Periodical Fund’s Special Measures for Journalism

News Media Canada members take note: Applications for funding through the Special Measures for Journalism component of the Canada Periodical Fund will be accepted until July 21, 2023.

Applications must be submitted by 23:59 p.m. local time.

The Special Measures for Journalism provides financial support to Canadian print magazines, print community (non-daily) newspapers and digital periodicals, to enable them to overcome market disadvantages. The Fund ensures Canadians have access to diverse Canadian editorial content in printed magazines, printed community newspapers and digital periodicals.

Please note that daily newspapers and magazine or community newspaper titles currently receiving Aid to Publishers — Canada Periodical Fund funding are not eligible under this new component.

To be eligible for funding, periodicals must meet all of the following requirements:

  • be published by an eligible publishing firm
  • be owned and controlled by Canadians
  • be a magazine or community (non-daily) newspaper, in print or digital format
  • have completed at least 1 uninterrupted 12-month publishing cycle at the application deadline, and continue to be published until at least March 31, 2024
  • Have spent a minimum of $2,500 for the creation of Canadian editorial content
  • contain an average of at least 80% Canadian editorial content in the issues published during the publisher’s financial year
  • contain an average of at least 50% Canadian editorial content in the issues published during the financial year, in the case of ethnocultural publications
  • contain an average of at most 70% advertising in the issues published during the financial year
  • contain a majority of original content
  • be edited, designed, assembled and published in Canada

Questions about the application process or eligibility requirements can be directed to the Department of Canadian Heritage. They can be reached by email or telephone at the details provided below:


Telephone: 1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

More information about how to apply for funding can be found on the Government of Canada website here.