Celebrating the dedication of news carriers

An important part of every National Newspaper Week is to spotlight the important role news carriers play in delivering quality journalism to the doorsteps of Canadians in cities, towns, and communities across the country.

We’d like to share with you the dedicated efforts of one of those workers. Jim Stonehouse has delivered newspapers in the Ontario communities of Tilbury and Wheatley area for many years. He’s been distributing the Tilbury Times Reporter doing distribution since it started printing a year and a half ago.

“I delivered papers for the Chatham News for almost 40 years…delivering at night while I still had my factory job,” said Stonehouse, who turns 82 years-of-age on Oct. 30.

Stonehouse is no stranger to the publishing business, as his wife worked for the Tilbury Times and was editor of the Merlin Standard.

Besides helping deliver the news, and the community at large, he enjoys the exercise.

“I used to deliver papers on a daily basis, but I began to develop some health problems with my legs,” he said.

He still delivers papers to Wheatley and Windsor Star flyers to the Tilbury area.

“I think everybody knows me by now,” he joked. “If fact I think the dogs know more than people…In fact, I always keep a pocket full of dog biscuits on me.”