Commercial inserts are an important part of the revenue stream for community newspapers. Businesses benefit from reaching Canadian consumers through inserts and those consumers benefit from the sales highlighted in the inserts —something that is important for Canadians who are feeling the pinch at the cash register in these inflationary times.
As many of you are aware, Canada Post has changed its approach to community newspapers that contain commercial inserts. Effective January 8, 2024, community newspapers with commercial inserts or enclosures are no longer be delivered to addresses that are signed up for the Consumers’ Choice program.
To provide you with an update, we have raised this issue with leadership at Canada Post. They understand and appreciate the real economic challenges of the news business. Accordingly, they are prepared to be flexible and work with us on a publisher-by-publisher basis. If the change to Consumers’ Choice is affecting your business, please reach out to Julie Plouffe, Manager, Product, at Canada Post.
Her email address is: