Format matters: Traditional vs. online newspaper readership

Newspaper readership has been fueled in recent years by digital access, resulting in the ability to read content in...

Daily and community newspaper revenue reports now available

Newspapers Canada collects and reports on revenue data for the daily and community newspaper industries. Top line data...

Boomers: Print newspaper lovers

Newspapers Canada recently undertook a study to understand how different devices are being used to read newspapers by various...

PEW report: Navigating News Online

The PEW Research Centre recently conducted an in-depth study designed to understand how readers navigate the digital news environment. The...

Newspapers: A Green Choice (revised)

Newspapers Canada’s environmental report Newspapers: A Green Choice has been updated for 2011 to include new statistics and research....

New bacteria strain could convert old newspapers into biofuel

Waste paper might someday become a rich source of fuel thanks to a new scientific discovery. Researchers at Tulane...

The Bottom Line from Newsworks UK

Research from the UK finds that brands can boost their bottom line by investing in news brands. Newsworks research...

CCNA releases new data on community newspaper advertising revenue

Total advertising revenue for Canadian community newspapers in 2009 was $1.19 billion according to the latest year-end report commissioned...

Traditional media help Canadians understand the news

The Digital News Report 2019 is an international survey of perceptions and consumption of news in the digital age. It is...

Local newspapers engage consumers

Local information is a key engagement measure for newspaper readers. Newspaper readers are actively looking for local information of...