Vividata releases first Summer Study of the Canadian Consumer since 2018

Vividata has released their new SCC | Study of the Canadian Consumer for Summer 2023, helping provide useful data on the lives of Canadians four times a year instead of just three.

While not featuring title-level data on Canada’s news media, this latest version of the SCC gives key media and consumer metrics on over 4,000 brands across 60,000 variables for an in-depth look at the everyday lives of Canadians from where they shop, to what they watch, to their opinions on finance, health, advertising and more.

Interestingly, the survey finds that 11.3 million Canadians use social media to keep up with the news.

56% of Canadians 18+ agree the “Internet is my main source of news”, reaching as high as 70% agreement among those under 35, and as low as 36% among Canadians 65+.

Younger Canadians are least likely to check news online regularly, with just 41% of Canadians 18 to 24 checking at least once a day – 23 percentage points lower than the national average of 64%.

For over 1 in 3 Canadian adults, “Keep up to date with the news” is among the primary reasons to use social media, while over 1 in 2 Canadians under 50 agree “I often find out about breaking news and events through social networking sites first”.

Canadians that say keeping up with the news is a primary reason to use social media were up to 63% more likely than the average Canadian adult to have used Twitter in the past month, 40% more likely to have used Reddit, and 38% more likely to have used TikTok.

You can read more findings here.