National Newspaper Week Idea Generator

Feeling stuck for how your publication can participate in this year's National Newspaper Week activities? Fear not! We've got you...

Newspaper ads drive action, research shows

New research from News Media Canada indicates that newspaper print ads drive consumer awareness of new products, visits to...

Newspaper ads are most read across multiple categories

Recent research from early 2018 proves that ads in newspapers are read more than social media and search engines. Two...

Newspapers are a trusted media platform

When Canadians want the facts they turn to newspapers.  Adults across Canada read local newspapers to find out what...

Newspapers provide a trusted environment for advertising

In an environment where advertisers must compete for the attention of consumers, newspapers (printed and digital) provide a trusted...

Local Newspapers: Trusted and True webinar now available

Earlier this month, News Media Canada held three webinar sessions that coincided with the release of our new study...

New fact sheet now available for ‘Local Newspapers: Trusted and True’ study

News Media Canada has released a new fact sheet highlighting key points from the recently released research study, Local Newspapers: Trusted and...

Community newspaper readers are engaged with advertising and respond to ads with action

New research from News Media Canada, Local Newspapers: Trusted and True, finds that half of community newspaper readers report advertising, flyers...

New video shows that newspapers reach all target groups

Another new video from News Media Canada highlights results from 2018 research and how readership varies by demographic target groups, like Boomers, Millennials...

Newspaper readership varies by platform

A new video from News Media Canada highlights results from 2018 research about how newspaper readership varies by platform. This year's results found that...