News Media Canada’s ‘Champions’ program wins Gold at the Toronto PR awards

News Media Canada’s “Champions” program for National Newspaper Week 2023 wins a Gold ACE Award for Best Use of Media Relations (over $50K) with...

Digital access continues to drive readership

Four out of five people in Canada (81%) read newspapers, regardless of format, at least once a week—essentially unchanged from the...

Exploring the digital shift in Canadian news consumption via e-editions

A recent episode of Ad Canada's Local Edge video podcast examined how a significant portion of Canadians are turning...

We received more than 750 entries for the CCNAwards!

That's all, folks! This year's CCNAwards entry period closed earlier this week with more than 750 entries submitted from...

News Media Canada passes updated bylaws and membership criteria

News Media Canada passed updated bylaws and membership criteria at the association's annual general meeting held earlier this week. An...

Wadhwani-Smith named Innovator of the Year

Ashley Wadhwani-Smith, the editorial director for Black Press Media, has been named Innovator of the Year by the U.S.-based...

Village Media launches AuroraToday

Village Media has added another Ontario news source to its roster: Launched late last month, AuroraToday is Village Media’s...

Submissions for 2024 Webster Awards are now being accepted

The call for submissions for the 2024 Webster Awards is now open. Journalists across B.C. can now submit their best work...

Two of Canada’s most influential journalists to be honoured by Michener Awards Foundation

The Michener Awards Foundation announced late last month it is awarding Chantal Hébert and Terry Mosher its prestigious Michener-Baxter Award...

Montreal Gazette reporter Aaron Derfel wins top journalism award

Longtime Montreal Gazette health reporter Aaron Derfel has been honoured by the Canadian Association of Journalists with this year’s...