NADbank: Daily newspapers reach 77% of adults

NADbank’s latest readership numbers confirm that daily newspapers continue to be a vital source of news, information and entertainment...

Newspaper sites: 20 Tweetable Truths for 2011

Newspapers Canada has updated this promotional piece with 20 new facts showcasing newspaper site vitality in 140 characters or...

Print more popular with consumers than social media

Reading print media is a more important activity than social networking for British consumers, according to the latest study...

Social networks transforming how Canadians get the news

News is increasingly becoming a shared social experience online for Canadians thanks to new digital platforms and services, according...

Statcan releases Q1 2015 retail sales; up almost 2% over last year

Statistics Canada has released Q1 2015 retail sales figures, reporting $108.6 billion in the first quarter, up 1.9% from...

Newspapers Canada releases 2012 Q1 revenue data for daily newspapers

Mobile advertising nearly doubled over the first quarter of last year going from $560,000 in Q1 2011 to $1,016,000...

Newspapers turn to digital for growth in 2012

Over 50 percent of newspaper executives from Canada and the U.S. are predicting digital growth for 2012 according to...

Infographic on Auto Research

Newspapers Canada has prepared an easy-to-understand summary of the latest Automotive Research. The infographic is designed as a brief...

Consumers are 50% more likely to engage with advertising encountered in a quality environment

The “Context matters” research study, from Newsworks in the United Kingdom, investigates the effect of context on brain responses...

New industry reports for daily and community newspapers

Newspapers Canada has released two new industry reports highlighting advertising and circulation revenues for Canadian newspapers. The surveys show...