Pew releases new insights on mobile news consumption habits

Males and highly educated individuals are more likely to consume news content on tablets and smartphone devices according to...

Ad spending to increase in 2011

Advertising sales in print newspapers were up 2.3% in 2010 and are predicted to increase another 1.5% in 2011...

Did you know? News media ads inspire action

News media ads are most effective at generating awareness among older readers, says a new research report. Research from News...

Cross-platform readership consistent across generations, research shows

Data from the 2021 Spring Vividata study (released May 12, 2021) confirms consistent print/digital cross-platform reading habits across generations....

Reuters Institute releases 2021 Digital News Report

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism released the 2021 edition of its Digital News Report earlier this...

CCNA delays readership study

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association's proposed national readership study project has been delayed. The study will not be proceeding...

Total advertising revenue in 2019 surpassed $15 billion

Data from the 2019 Net Advertising Volumes (NAV) Report reported more than $15 billion total revenue in Canada. The internet accounted for...

Strength of Canadian Newspapers

Studies show that readership of print newspapers has grown over the past five years. Ad revenues for newspapers are...

Over half of Canadians say it’s too hard to access government information

Six in ten Canadians believe that the federal government has made it “deliberately and unnecessarily difficult for journalists and...

Pew releases 2014 State of the News Media report

The Pew Research Center has released its 11th annual State of the News Media report. The U.S. research report...